Kisha's story

From as early as I can remember, my mom and dad were entertaining neighbourhood kids, organising summer clubs and volunteering to keep the local baseball fields tidy.

I started volunteering at the baseball concession stands and championed for other kids to do the same. Then, I begged to lead the outdoor lessons at summer club. I figured out pretty quickly that kids are way better at creating games than adults – slip and slide baseball, anyone?

Community is who I am

- Kisha, Founder of Brightbox

Creative problem-solving and an interest in understanding the way the world works (plus lots of caring role models, like my amazing 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Nicholson) propelled me into an engineering degree at Rose-Hulman with a merit-based scholarship.

Without this scholarship, my family could not have afforded my education. As I began my education, the inequalities in both education and the workforce for Black people, women and people from working class backgrounds infuriated me. I decided they could not be ignored.

I didn’t know it then, but as a child championing for my peers and myself to be heard, and being given responsibility and decision-making power, prepared me to be led by my community. These values are at the heart of everything we do at Brightbox.

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