
These ear defenders protect your ears from the loud noise created during DIY projects.

Rent for £1 or buy for £5.

This product can only be borrowed by members. To borrow this product, sign up to one of our membership plans. Choose from Pay it forward – Monthly, Pay it forward – Yearly, Low Income – Monthly, Standard – Monthly, Bonus – Monthly, Low Income – Yearly, Standard – Yearly, Bonus – Yearly or Free.



What it does:
Does the sound of power tools stop you from starting your own DIY projects? Or do you generally find noises overwhelming or distracting in your environment? These ear defenders protect your ears from the loud noise created during DIY projects. Two padded cups cover your ears and are connected by an adjustable band which goes over your head to secure the ear defenders in place. The earmuffs absorb loud noises to protect your hearing when using power tools or there are loud noises in your environment.
What it can be used for:
Block out noise during projects which uses power tools like the Jigsaw, Circular Saw, Angle Grinder and Drills (that we also have available to loan). These are also great choice to add extra protection day-to-day if you experience sensitivity to noise around town or in busy environments. You could even personalise them using one of the Cricut machines we have available to loan.